Are You Looking For a Training Group That Shares The Same Passion For Dog Training?
Be a part of our community and join one of our
S.T.R.I.K.E. Teams

What is a S.T.R.I.K.E. Team?
Share Training Retrievers In Keen Excellence
We recognize that not everyone has the resources or grounds available to train. Or maybe you're looking for other like minded trainers to train with or you're new to dog training and eager to learn from others. Our S.T.R.I.K.E. Teams are designed to offer our members the opportunity to be part of a team! Attending organized training days with other Retriever Roadmap members can be a game-changer. Being a part of these teams is a great way to meet other members, watch other dogs work, learn from other trainers, and most importantly, HAVE FUN. Join Retriever Roadmap to become part of an outstanding community and be part of one of our S.T.R.I.K.E. Teams.
(Must be a member of Retriever Roadmap to participate)